Dear Underwriting Leader,
My name is Pam Bergsten and I am the current President of the Midwestern Underwriting Conference (MUC). We are a regional life and health underwriting organization whose mission is to promote risk selection, management development, and technical underwriting education throughout the Midwest.
To execute our purpose, our officers and committee members create, organize, and conduct a dynamic three-day educational conference. Our event takes place annually in September at a very economical and easily accessible destination within the Midwest. We believe the MUC provides tremendous value to your company and underwriting staff. This meeting offers a wide variety of medical and non-medical focused sessions covering current industry-related topics as well as skill-building and personal enrichment sessions.
Our important request is for you to either join us or send some of your staff to our conference in 2017. We welcome your company as a corporate benefactor of the Midwestern Underwriting Conference, as well. We highly encourage your participation in any way possible. We can only continue to provide this type of professional networking and educational opportunity if we are supported through attendance and sponsorship of our meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact myself or any one of the executive officers listed on our website at: For your convenience, a list of donor levels and an advertisement for the 2017 MUC meeting is attached. We will be recognizing and celebrating the tenth year of this wonderful organization. Our hope is to see you and your team September 20-22, 2017 in beautiful Louisville, Kentucky.
Best wishes for a successful year-end and a great start to 2017!
Pam Bergsten, FALU, FLMI, ACS
President, Midwestern Underwriting Conference (MUC)
Click here to download a PDF of this letter along with sponsorship opportunities.